by Deven Munns | Dec 11, 2019 | Asset Protection, Business planning, Corporations, Law, Real Estate, Small Business, Tax Planning
Deven L. Munns, Esq. New York City has a lot to offer when it comes to world-class entertainment, dining, and sightseeing: Rockefeller Center, the Museum of Natural History, the Brooklyn Bridge, Time Square, and Broadway! However, unbeknownst to visitors to this...
by Kevin Kennedy | Dec 11, 2019 | Asset Protection, Business planning, Law, Litigation, Securities law, Small Business
By Kevin Kennedy, Esq. Whether you’re a retailer, a broker, a doctor, etc., you know that renting commercial office/retail space can be your most expensive operating cost. You also know that one of the ways to build wealth is to invest in real estate. For these...
by Jarom Bergeson | Aug 27, 2019 | Business planning, Law, Litigation, Real Estate
By Jarom Bergeson, Esq. If you’re reading this, then there is an excellent chance you are aware of at least one outstanding real estate investment/development opportunity right now – or at least you believe there could be such an opportunity out there. You...
by Jarom Bergeson | May 7, 2019 | Asset Protection, Law, Real Estate, Small Business
Trust is the key ingredient in making any decision to invest, and I am not in a position to tell anyone who they should trust or what to look for in a good investment. I am, however, in a position to share some red flags that have been published by the Securities and...
by Mat Sorensen | Aug 7, 2018 | Asset Protection, Law, Litigation
I’m going to take a wild guess here, but I’m willing to bet that no one reading this article wants to go to prison – pretty safe assumption, right? If you read articles in this space very often, you’re probably aware that at KKOS Lawyers, we don’t practice criminal...