by Kevin Kennedy | Dec 11, 2019 | Asset Protection, Business planning, Corporations, Law, Securities law, Small Business, Tax Planning
By Kevin L. Kennedy, Esq. Let’s say you have a day job working for someone else, but you’re also trying to start a side business. You hope that one day you can leave your ‘day job’ and work for yourself full-time. Maybe this sounds familiar to you. Your first...
by Lee Chen | Dec 11, 2019 | Asset Protection, Law, Real Estate, Small Business, Tax Planning
Lee Chen, Esq. On October 2, 2019, California enacted the AB 1482, representing the most comprehensive reform of California landlord-tenant laws in decades. The law, which essentially imposes “rent control” provisions for certain rentals in California, officially...
by Deven Munns | Dec 11, 2019 | Estate Planning, Law, Real Estate, Retirement Planning, Small Business, Tax Planning
Deven L. Munns, Esq. Opportunity Zones (OZ) investments were created under the recent passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and designed to help states jumpstart communities that historically have struggled economically. In theory, they have a two-prong benefit;...
by Kevin Kennedy | Dec 11, 2019 | Asset Protection, Business planning, Law, Litigation, Securities law, Small Business
By Kevin Kennedy, Esq. Whether you’re a retailer, a broker, a doctor, etc., you know that renting commercial office/retail space can be your most expensive operating cost. You also know that one of the ways to build wealth is to invest in real estate. For these...
by Lee Chen | Jun 27, 2017 | Business planning, Law, Litigation
For most people involved in a dispute, declaring the words “See you in Court!!” can seem like the perfect threat or even feel therapeutic at the least. Some even presume that by stating “I’m going to sue you” is like declaring nuclear war against the other side and...